We offer a 100% ROI guarantee. Click here to book a meeting with us.

Go beyond the roofs,
skyrocket your company!

Deal directly - and exclusively - with customers who are actively looking for roof services.

Content Marketing Services

We can be your company voice with quality content. Our writing team will give your brand the voice it needs to stick out.

Social Media Paid Advertising

Our ad campaigns will bring you the results your looking for. From brand awareness campaigns to lead funnels, we have got the tools to create the right ads for your business.

Branding & Media

No more missed leads! Our streamlined process enables direct appointment bookings, allowing you to seize valuable prospects quickly. Plus, we prioritize your exclusivity by never sharing leads.

Web Design & Development

Our web design and development services include everything from graphic design to SEO. Our staff of designers and developers are skilled in virtually every programming language your project may require.

Live Lead Nurture

No more missed leads! Our streamlined process enables direct appointment bookings, allowing you to seize valuable prospects quickly. Plus, we prioritize your
exclusivity by never sharing leads.

Quality Leads

Increase your revenues with our high-quality, action-ready leads. Our pre-qualified leads guaranteeing genuine interest to receive roofing services.

Let's talk about you now.

The eternal problem of all roofing companies

It's poor quality leads.

Indeed, the quality of the leads often falls short, as they come from people who are merely browsing without a genuine willingness to engage in actual roofing services. Compounding that issue, leads are frequently non-exclusive, meaning other roofing companies are receiving the exact same leads as you. It ultimately becomes a veritable cockfight between you and your competitors to attract the attention of customers who, what's more, aren't even really willing to pay the price for your services. Consequently, acquiring these leads becomes expensive, with costs ranging between $100 and $200 per lead, yet very few results in actual appointments, let alone sales. In these conditions, the pursuit of ambitious business objectives becomes daunting.

Finding a solution that meets these challenges and provides a sustainable source of high-quality leads is therefore essential. And that's exactly where we come in.

At Vuevox Roofing, our expertise lies in generating high-quality leads that consistently convert. How do we achieve this? Through our effective lead filtering system, we ensure that only prospects with a clear understanding of their roofing needs make it to your leads list. This ensures that you receive leads that are primed and ready to convert. We delve deeper into the functioning of our lead filtering system in the section below called "Leads that convert over and over again."

We only work with residential roofing companies.

We only do Facebook ads.

At Vuevox, we pride ourselves on our unwavering commitment to excellence in the residential roofing industry. With a laser focus on Facebook Ads, we bring a level of specialization that sets us apart.

It means that when you choose us, you gain a strategic partner who understands precisely the challenges of the roofing business. It also means that you'll have, by your side, profesionnals who have a competitive understanding of the exact right way to get customers through Facebook Ads. And by leveraging that expertise, we generate consistent flows of leads that are ready to take action right now. No window-shoppers. With our extensive experience in the roofing industry, we know the importance of warm leads. That's why we've developed a meticulous process to pre-qualify prospects for you.

Leads that convert over and over again.

Our customers systematically achieve high closing rates with our leads. How come? Because through our tailored campaigns, we ensure that your message reaches the right audience at the right time, resulting in increased inquiries and, ultimately, more closed deals. Thanks to our deep-rooted experience in the roofing industry, we've meticulously designed a process to pre-qualify prospects on your behalf.

Here's how it works: before we even deliver the leads to you, each prospect answers a comprehensive set of 8 thoughtfully crafted questions to know more about the service they are looking for, the type of roof they need to work on, the available budget and more. This, firstly, demonstrates their genuine interest in roofing services, as they willingly invest their time to answer these questions. Plus, it provides you with valuable insights into their specific roofing needs. By leveraging this approach, you can expect to receive leads that are not merely interested but ready to engage your services immediately.

Sounds interesting, doesn't it?

Here's how it works.

Schedule a 15-minutes call with us.

Schedule a call with one of our marketing analysis specialists using the button below. During this call, we'll dive into the specific marketing needs of your company and tailor our strategies to your requirements.

Implementation of the right strategy.

Once we've established your company's marketing needs, our dedicated team swings into action. In just seven days, we implement a tailored strategy, leaving you free to focus on your business. Soon after, expect a continuous flow of high-quality leads to boost your success.

Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly do I get to see results?

It takes us about 5 business days to set things up, and then we start running your ads. The results - in form of booked appointments - can appear on the first day your ads run. However, it may take a few days for the specific setup we created for you to kick in.

From there, we refine your ads as the results come in, looking for small improvements to increase the overall results. This may take 3 to 4 weeks. But you'll get appointments in the meantime, and we'll work to run a campaign of the necessary size to keep your business occupied for the duration of the campaign. You need to be able to handle the increase in appointments and orders before we start your advertising campaign.

Everyone I know uses Google to find the services they need. Won't most people looking for roof services also use Google?

No, they won't. We work with a lot of extremely sucessful residential roofing companies that have never run a single Google ad and never will.

On Google, the competition for roofing customers is intense. With numerous companies chasing the same keywords, it becomes very challenging to stand out. Only a few ads are displayed, typically favoring those who pay the highest bid per click. Some companies pay exorbitant amounts, reaching $80 per click or even more, without guaranteeing sales. Now, Google ads can be effective for businesses in less competitive industries. However, in residential roofing, they become a costly lottery. Spending significant sums targeting the "curious" crowd often leads to minimal return on investment. Moreover, when a serious buyer sees your ad, they also encounter your competitors' ads simultaneously and this results in multiple calls to different companies, leading to price-based negotiations.

On the contrary, Facebook ads target users based on their profiles and habits, not only their search queries. This means there is no wasted spend on users who aren't interested. So ultimately, a lower cost per click. When a person genuinely seeks any kind of roof services, they click on the ad and book a roof inspection.

Why do you only use Facebook? There are many advertising platforms - why not diversify?

"When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one."

Actually, in our case, it's "When you target everyone, you run the risk of targeting no one."

That's why we have chosen to specialize exclusively in Facebook Ads for residential roofing contractors. By focusing solely on this platform, we have developed an in-depth understanding of its marketing specificities, and we harness its full potential to drive remarkable results.

Based on our extensive experience, we've discovered the unrivaled effectiveness of Facebook for generating exclusive leads. Since 2020, Facebook has consistently proven to be our champion for appointment generation, providing high-quality leads at an optimal cost. Therefore, by focusing solely on Facebook, we have honed our lead generation expertise to an unparalleled level; leveraging Facebook's robust audience tools, we precisely identify target audiences and secure actual roof inspection appointments for as little as $100.

What do you mean when you say your leads are "qualified"? And how do you qualify them?

Some leads may convert into a sale, but some certainly won't. The problem lies in the quality of leads received by roofing companies. Often, email addresses and phone numbers are provided without sufficient details.

To differentiate serious buyers from casual inquiries, countless calls and follow-ups are necessary, leading to wasted time and minimal sales. Moreover, competition among roofing companies for limited business intensifies the struggle. However! Our approach at Vuevox Roofing is different. Our ad responders must fill out a comprehensive questionnaire with 8 essential questions about their location, house size, desired installation time, payment preferences, and more. Only those completing the entire questionnaire and providing full contact information are considered genuine leads — individuals genuinely ready to engage roof services.

These qualified leads are redirected to an appointment page where they utilize our scheduling software to book a roof inspection with your company. You receive all appointment details promptly. Moreover, the entire experience occurs on customized pages that prominently display your company's name, photos, and logo. When you contact them, they are already familiar with your brand. So we urge you to experience the difference starting from now, with Vuevox Roofing.

Receive qualified and exclusive leads that drive your business forward.

Is there any guarantee?

When we start doing business with a new partner, we initiate with a 3-month contract.

That being said, we are so confident in our marketing effectiveness that if you're not profitable after the contract term — which means that you've spent more money than you've made with us — we'll continue to work for you for free until you become profitable. Even if it takes us 10 years of free work, which isn't likely to happen, given the effectiveness of our marketing strategies.

If you help my competitors in my area with qualified leads like you've helped me, won't that harm my business?

It won't happen.

Because we thoroughly assess our potential partners to ensure compatibility. We qualify them, just like we qualify clients for you. If we already serve someone somewhere, we decline new partners in that specific area.

With Vuevox, your territory remains exclusively yours.

You say your prospecting costs are much lower, but why does that matter?

Leads are not free; they come with a cost of doing business, and that's not a surprise of course. However, it's essential to recognize that not all leads are created equal, and some can significantly impact your profit margins.

Consider this: If you're obtaining leads from a particular channel at a cost of $300 or $400 each and manage to convert only one out of every five leads into an order, you're essentially paying $1,500 to $2,000 for each new sale. This high cost needs to be factored into your pricing strategy, leading to more expensive services and unavoidably, less interested clients.

And by getting leads that cost less without compromising quality, you can significantly increase your profit margins, and achieve greater overall business success. And that's exactly and precisely our purpose at Vuevox; delivering high quality at low price. With our expertise, you'll gain a competitive advantage by acquiring leads that not only drive sales but also contribute to your profitability.

My current lead generation company is getting me leads by cutting my prices. I want to charge what we're worth - can you find me clients who will pay my current rate for my services?

It's a huge mistake to assume that all residential roofing customers are looking for a cheap deal. Posting discounts in our ads can sometimes encourage a sale. But there is a large audience of people who are nervous about getting any type of renovations in their home and want to be reassured by a credible and serious company rather than a gimmicky coupon.

Furthermore, we create Facebook ads that are specific to your business and your target audience. We don't create ads that promise discounts. We won't devalue your business to get clicks. If our promises to your prospects require you to reduce the price you can charge for your service... are we really helping you? Absolutely not. That's why our copywriters use proven approaches and psychologically persuasive writing to build trust in your brand and to differentiate you from the noisy "pick me, pick me!" crowd... and to filter out the bargain hunters who will only buy from you if you slash your margins to nothing. Of course, no one is price-proof, but we allow you to attract customers who want to buy sooner rather than later - and who care about who they buy from.

We offer a 100% ROI guarantee. If we don't perform you don't pay. Simple as that.

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